HLF Projects

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We have experience of all stages of HLF (and other grants) project development, including Landscape Partnerships, Our Heritage, Shared Heritage, Big Lottery and Heritage (main) grants – from initial idea to successful delivery to monitoring and evaluation.

DerwentWISE HLF Landscape Partnership









Matt led the development of this £2.5million, 5 year project with 15 partners, from an idea, through development phase to delivery. This included a very complex 64 sub-projects activity plan, including interpretation and a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework. The project covers the whole landscape, engaging diverse communities from Matlock to Derby and includes restoration, interpretation and access to natural and built heritage features. See www.derwentwise.com for more information.

Churnet Valley HLF Landscape Partnership


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This £1.9million, 5 year project is now in its final year of delivery and Matt provides all monitoring and evaluation support to the project. Similar to DerwentWISE, this project engages communities in the restoration and celebration of the natural and cultural landscape of this part of Staffordshire. It includes a detailed activity plan including interpretation projects.  See www.churnet-valley.org.uk for further details.

Woodland Trust HLF Ancient Woodland Restoration Project

Matt works as an associate to Icarus to provide monitoring and evaluation support to this £3m project.  The project seeks to engage landowners, visitors and local communities with the restoration of ancient woodland sites across 50,000ha in 10 areas of the UK. We have provided a comprehensive framework to ensure this project can be properly evaluated against HLF outputs and outcomes, as well as considering the context, input and processes involved.

See www.woodlandtrust.org.uk for details.

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See interpretation section for more HLF funded projects.