Catherine Croney


Catherine is a senior associate and brings a wealth of interpretation experience.

Catherine has over 20 years experience in the field of interpretation from developing interpretation strategies and plans to copywriting to working with and training local communities in interpretation techniques.  Her expertise is in strategic planning for interpretation, working with communities and stakeholders, copywriting and project management.

Catherine works part time as Interpretation Manager with the Peak District National Park Authority. Since starting in 1996, she has developed a Peak District Interpretation Strategy in consultation with key stakeholders. Her responsibilities include the strategic management of interpretation within the wider Peak District, managing large-scale interpretation projects, writing funding applications to regional agencies and working with communities on interpretive planning. She has managed the Peak District Interpretation Partnership for nearly 20 years.

Catherine is currently developing interpretation plans for Bakewell and Castleton Visitor Centres, including working up specifications for internal displays.

Catherine is also an associate to inHeritage and recently worked with Bedford Borough Council to review their Heritage Interpretation Strategy and develop an Interpretation Action Plan that was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund. A grant of £80,000 was awarded and Catherine then project managed the delivery of the varied interpretation. inHeritage (Catherine and Matt) are currently developing a new interpretation strategy and action plan for Cannock Chase AONB and recently led a workshop with partners and stakeholders.

Catherine has also worked on several historic garden interpretation projects including The National Trust’s Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire and Marwell Hall, near Winchester. Both projects included developing ideas for how best to interpret the garden features, researching and creating exciting content and delivering the physical outputs. Catherine engaged staff and volunteers at both sites in developing ideas.

Catherine has also worked as a Guide at Chatsworth providing face-to-face interpretation to visitors about the House and Gardens with its Orangery and Capability Brown designed landscapes.

Catherine is a member of the Association for Heritage Interpretation and is one of the judges on the new Awards Scheme.